Ctrl Alt Home After Effects

This is a follow up to my previous 5 After Effects Tips & Tricks for Video Editors post. One quick note: as you’ll see below there is a difference in Mac vs PC keys. For Windows users the Command key is Control and Option is Alt. Add Footage to After Effects Comp. Mac: Command + / PC: Control +/ Using this shortcut is much quicker than. Note: This page includes variations for Ctrl + Alt + Home Alt + Ctrl + Home Ctrl + Alt + Home. Restrict to only Ctrl + Alt + Home. Share this page on: email. Shortcut rating. How easy to press this shortcut, out of 100. Higher is easier. How often is this shortcut used in all programs? Creating cool animations in After Effects is often really quite straightforward, but to make things even easier you’ll want to be using these handy tips and expressions. We’ve spent years creating motion graphics and animated sequences, so we thought we’d share our go-to, time-saving pointers – the shortcuts we use all the time! Included in this list. Remove all effects: Ctrl+Shift+E. This is an immediate way to remove all the effects from the selected layer(s). To be honest, I’d prefer this to be a function that toggles all the effects on and off, but you can use Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+Shift+Z after this shortcut to achieve the same goal. Select layers above/below: Ctrl+Shift+Up Cursor or Down Cursor.

  1. Ctrl Alt Keyboard
  2. Ctrl Alt Home After Effects Program
  3. Ctrl Alt Home After Effects Template

Types of Lights in After Effects

In Lights in After Effects software, we have different types of light effect in After Effects:

  • Spot Light
  • Parallel Light
  • Point Light
  • Ambient Light

1.Spot Light

Ctrl Alt Keyboard

Ctrl alt home

A spotlight works just as a spotlight works in real life. The light in only one direction with the specified range, spread, width, and more. This is a single point you can point around and point at things. Typically, they are smaller, more spherical focused lights that you can control how wide or narrow it is and how sharp the fall is. Spotlights are used to highlight a particular part of a frame and the rest is accompanied by a sharp drop in the black shadow.

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2. Point Light

Ctrl Alt Home After Effects Program


Point lights produce light from the position they hold – as if you took a light bulb and suspended it with a wire and used it in a light frame. This is a point light that you can move around but without additional features of the spotlight. To control the point light field, you control its brightness, so it brightens the point light of the scene you show, but it will start blowing anything directly around the point of light.

Ctrl alt home after effects tutorial

3. Parallel Light

A parallel light is a hybrid between spotlights and ambient lights. Parallel lights are evenly distributed light throughout the composition like ambient light, but in just one direction like a spot light.

4. Ambient Light

Ambient lights form a universal light source throughout the composition, providing flat illumination regardless of the position of the layer. It produces light for the entire scene but without its maneuver or ability to directly control cones or fellows. Ambient light is closely related to the sun, it will light your entire scene but you do not have much control over it. If you want a lighting effect over the entire frame, ambient light will be used often.

Ctrl alt home after effects collection

Ctrl Alt Home After Effects Template

  1. Make Composition

    Ctrl + N For new Composition or click on Small icon of composition

  2. Solid Layer

    To create solid layer Ctrl+shift+N or right click on free space area of the timeline

  3. 3d layer

    Select 3d icon to convert layer to 3d layer

  4. Rotate Layer

    Select the layer and rotate their “Orientation” first number that indicates x-asis =90 and rest zero.

  5. Text layer

    Create text layer, for that press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T .and write text. in this case, we write “light”

  6. Light Layer

    Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L for light or right-click on free space area in the timeline and select New>Light layer

  7. Light Setting

    Light setting you have option to select which type light you want


    Select view from the composition panel.

  9. Move light

    Move light from composition for that Press Alt+Drag

  10. Cast Shadow

    Select layers Go to> Material Option>Cast Shadow and press “On”

  11. Arrange Layer

    Arrange bg layer like below image

  12. Keyframe Animation

    Click Stopwatch of Position and give below parameter to Position and keyframe
    Position=926,790,-1200 Frame=0:00:00:00
    Position=1454,790,-936 Frame=0:00:01:00
    Position=494,790,-924 Frame=0:00:02:00
    Position=494,130,-1380 Frame=0:00:02:29
    Position=926,790,-1200 Frame=0:00:03:29

Lights in After Effects Download From here