Python 2 Cheat Sheet

This document is a quick cheat sheet showing how the PEP 484 typelanguage represents various common types in Python 2.

Python Cheat Sheet by DaveChild - Created Date: 5227Z. ^Python $ (2,4,7) $ 2,x,3.1 $. 34$ ^$ 50$ 2$ 66$ B$ 82$ R$ 98$ b$ 114$ r$ 35$ #$ 51$ 3$ 67$ C$ 83$ S$ 99$ c$ 115$ s$ 36$ $$ 52$ 4$ 68$ D$ 84$ T$ 100$ d$ 116$ t$.


Technically many of the type annotations shown below are redundant,because mypy can derive them from the type of the expression. Somany of the examples have a dual purpose: show how to write theannotation, and show the inferred types.

Built-in types¶


When you’re puzzled or when things are complicated¶

Standard “duck types”¶

In typical Python code, many functions that can take a list or a dictas an argument only need their argument to be somehow “list-like” or“dict-like”. A specific meaning of “list-like” or “dict-like” (orsomething-else-like) is called a “duck type”, and several duck typesthat are common in idiomatic Python are standardized.

Python 2 3 Cheat Sheet


Python 2 Cheat Sheet



Decorator functions can be expressed via generics. SeeDeclaring decorators for the more details.

Download Free Pdf Beginners Python Cheat sheet for all Programmers. When someone is trying out a set of exercises on a specific topic, or working on a project, cheatsheet can be really helpful. So programmer can fit so much information on just one sheet of paper, most fraudulent sheets are just a simple list of grammatical rules. The purpose of this set of deception sheets is to remind you of grammatical rules, but also to remind you of important concepts.

In this Pdf Book we have some important python cheat sheets topics

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  • Python Cheat Sheet – Files & Exceptions
  • Python Cheat Sheet – Testing Code
  • Python Cheat Sheet – Pygame
  • Python Cheat Sheet – Matplotlib
  • Python Cheat Sheet – Pygal
  • Python Cheat Sheet – Django

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